Link to frequently asked questions about the ACAT Link to a list of ACAT disciplines, forms, and content options Link to information about the ACAT Online Link to page about the ACAT-N Link to a table comparing paper and online versions Link to list of institutions in the reference groups
Link to page of printable forms Link to a list of fees and services Link to secure online order site Link to page containing national average scores for the ACAT Link to page about PACAT IncorporatedClick for a list of e-mail addresses and phone numbers for contacting PACAT.
 ACAT measures content retention by your students at or near the completion of their major.ACAT measures changes in content knowledge across multiple years with optional pre-post testing. ACAT features flexible content to match faculty teaching and learning goals. ACAT provides flexible administration options to best serve local needs and requirements. ACAT brings 20+ years of experience providing quality data to colleges and universities.

ACAT is available for agriculture, art, biology, business, communication, criminal justice, geology, history, literature in English, political science, psychology, and social work
ACAT and ACAT Online are for proctored administration and can be used concurrently. ACAT-N is for non-proctored administration. 
Reports are prepared weekly. Data can be reported separately for multiple campuses or multiple programs/tracks within a department.
Customizing your ACAT
Uses of ACAT
When is ACAT given?  
 ACAT scores compare performance to a multi-year sample of graduating students.
Departments using ACAT Online and ACAT-N can receive scores by email at the end of each test session and/or permit students to see and print their results. The request forms are on our Download Forms page. Here is a sample of what the student will see.
 Talk with us about making ACAT part of your student learning outcomes assessment program.
 Assessing multiple groups
Reporting cycles
Obtaining a review copy 
Visit our Facebook page to get the latest news about ACAT.

PACAT Inc. ● P.O. Box 767 ● Clarksville TN 37041-0767
The contents of this website are copyright © PACAT Inc. ACAT is a registered trademark of PACAT Inc.