ACAT is available for agriculture, art, biology, business, communication, criminal justice, geology, history, literature in English, political science, psychology, and social work. | ACAT and ACAT Online are for proctored administration and can be used concurrently. ACAT-N is for non-proctored administration. | Reports are prepared weekly. Data can be reported separately for multiple campuses or multiple programs/tracks within a department. | Customizing your ACAT Uses of ACAT When is ACAT given? | | ACAT scores compare performance to a multi-year sample of graduating students. | Departments using ACAT Online and ACAT-N can receive scores by email at the end of each test session and/or permit students to see and print their results. The request forms are on our Download Forms page. Here is a sample of what the student will see. | Talk with us about making ACAT part of your student learning outcomes assessment program. | Assessing multiple groups Reporting cycles Obtaining a review copy | |